Thursday, October 20, 2011

What makes a good ATM location?

Location Location Location,  You have all heard the saying from famous store retailers and the ATM business is no different.  Aside from location there are some other determining factors that separate the BEST  locations from the rest.

Cash Only-  The biggest determining factor if a  location is going to be a heavy hitter is if the place of business takes credit card or if they are cash only.  There is an immediate 5X transaction rate increase when a business is cash only versus taking credit card.  With direct deposits and credit cards less less and people carrying cash around.  Customers often just expect for all businesses to take credit card and when they do not if often results as a trip to closest ATM.

Taxi /Transportation Industry-  Is there a high volume amount of transportation services going in and out of your business establishment?  Most of the transportation industry are  cash only businesses.  This is the main contributing factor to why hotels and restaurants often times do so well.

Liquor Involved- An ATM stop is often the result of poor planning, lazziness, or is  related to an impulse buy.  An impulse buys odds are increased heavily when  there is the influence of alcohol.   This is why you always see ATMs at liquor stores and bars.

High Traffic Location- Any establishment that has at least 150 customers that make a purchase  per day is typically a good  location.  Statistics show that 1% of customers will often use the ATM and if you can get 5 customers per day at your ATM then your  location will be profitable.  

If you are looking for ATM service, ATM processing, ATM sales, ATM equipment or anything ATM Machine related then please contact  

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

The Importance of ATM Signage

              Having the right ATM signage is must if you want to succeed in the ATM business .   ATM signage can be the difference between an average location and a great ATM location.  Aside from standing out, you can also get a $55,000 fine if you do not post the proper ATM complaint and regulation stickers that  now required on all ATM machines.  With ATMs popping up in every local market and restaurant on every corner,   it is important that you have the right signage to stay ahead of your competitors.  Here is a list of the different types of ATM signage and how you can use them to grow  your business and increase customers.  

ATM flags:  We use giant ATM Flags that stick up to 30 feet in the air for all of our special event ATM machines.  These giant ATM flags still up to 30 feet in the area and make it easy for your ATM to stand above all the canopies set-up at street fairs.  
ATM canopies and ATM Awnings: An ATM canopy or awning is a great way to attract attention to your financial institution and promote your services.  We have a theory that since the larger national banks use these on their machines,  when you put these  on your own  wall mount or free standing machine customers are attracted to these types machines because they feel more secure and comfortable.  
ATM banners- The cheapest way to promote your business and attract attention.  If you are putting an ATM in an establishment I think it should be a requirement that at least one ATM banner or ATM sign go in the window.  
ATM neon signs or the LED ATM Sign: the newest and most eye catching way to attract ATM customers.  These ATM signs stand out during the day and even more at night and serve as a  will give you a competitive advantage over your competition.  
ATM stickers: really great for the side panels of atms as well as security measure.  We put Lo Jack stickers on all of our ATM machines so people know that we can track wherever our machines are at all times.  This has been an excellent deterrent against criminals that try and steal ATM machines.    

ATM compliant and regulation stickers: Due to recent lawsuits, filed as class actions, allege that the EFTA, 15 U.S.C. § 1693 et seq., requires that all ATMs  have posted physically on the machine a notice that a fee is being imposed. The lawsuits allege that this notice must be in addition to the on-screen notices provided to users of the ATMs.  In summary, just ensure that your ATMs always have a FEE Notice sticker physically on the machines at all times.  
ATM/ EBT Signs:  These signs are becoming more and more popular in the low income suburban areas where much of the population is in government assisted income.  People that are part of these programs get their benefits on a debit card that they can use on most of the new manufactured  ATMs and pull cash out.   
Remember the installation of the ATM equipment must be done in a professional manner.  To many times of seen banners hung that fall the next day..  LED lights that do not work or signage that fades and looks old.  My recommendation, if you are not going to put up good ATM signage then do not put any ATM signage at all.  In my experience people are already uneasy about using non-bank ATMs and having poor signage might even the determining factor if they decide to use the machine at all. 

If you are looking for ATM equipment, ATM sales, ATM processing, Event ATM machines, or any other ATM services then please email us at 

Monday, October 17, 2011

ATM Machine Service Helps Local Pumpkin Patches

   Going to pumpkin patches has become the new tradition among families all over the nation and it is where great halloween memories are made. Pumpkin patches have transformed into local theme parks of entertainment and fun.  Most of the larger pumpkin patches offer a variety of fun games and activities including petting zoos, food and drink concessions,  face painting services, hay mazes, carnival games, inflatable slides, bounce houses, and even pony rides.
 Our mobile event ATM machines have been a great added service to local pumpkin patches owners and their customers.  Due to the large amount of space required needed to for these amusement park style pumpkin patches they often occur at local nurseries, farms and remote parking lots areas where there are no banks around. 
Since the rides and games are often subcontracted to independent contractors,  having cash at the end of every business day is very important.  Customers have appreciated the convenience of having an atm on site.   One customer that attended one of our pumpkin patches wrote on the pumpkin patches yelp page,  Another thing we liked was that they have an ATM machine. How many pumpkin patches do you know have ATM machines? It's a first for us. We're fans and plan to return again :)"  We are happy to be able to provide this valuable ATM service to local pumpkin patches all over San Diego.  

If you are interested in ATM Processing, ATM Sales, ATM Equipment, ATM technical support, or an ATM placement for your location then please email   We look forward to working with you and providing all of your ATM business services.

Friday, October 14, 2011

ADA Compliance Guidelines for ATM Machines

    Effective March 12, 2012 you can receive a $55,000 fine per ATM machine in your portfolio if you are not in compliance with the 2010 American Disabilities Act(ADA)  effect on the Independent ATM Deployer(IAD).  Do not worry, we have provided you with all the information you need to ensure that this does not happen to you.

The First Step is to identify which ATM machines in your portfolio are not in compliance already.  The good news is that a majority of the ATMs in the field are already or pretty close to being ADA compliant due to manufactures making the necessary upgrades many years ago on all newer machines.   The following charts is very helpful:

When it comes to the new ADA regulations, compliance standards appear to be divided into (but not exclusive to) two main parts: physical access and communication.
Physical access
The majority of IADs likely already have ATMs compliant with physical access.  However, IADs still need to evaluate the following in each location to ensure their ATMs are either already compliant or if they require possible changes or upgrades.
• Height and Reach. The controls for the ATM machine need to be within reach ranges, including a height not exceeding 48 inches and no lower than 15 inches.
• Accessibility. The ATM must be accessible based on earlier guidelines for buildings and facilities and will need to be free from obstructions.
• Floor Space. The space around an ATM needs to be sufficient, excluding drive-up ATMs. Clear floor or ground space needs to be 48 inches out from the ATM and 30 inches wide. 
Most of the new ADA requirements are focused on communication. Therefore, more attention will need to be directed toward the following communications elements on your ATMs.
• Speech. ATMs need to be speech enabled to assist individuals with vision impairments.
• Input Controls. Controls need to be tactilely discernible for each function.
• Numeric Keys. The number keypads need to be arranged in 12-key ascending or descending telephone keypad layout.
• Function Keys. Function keys will need to contrast visually from background surfaces.
• Display Screen. The display screen needs to be visible 40 inches above the floor space.
• Braille. Braille instructions to begin speech mode will need to be included.

 If you are interested in ATM Processing, ATM Sales, ATM Equipment, ATM technical support, or an ATM placement for your location then please email   We look forward to working with you and providing all of your ATM business services.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

ATM Cash Machine Safety Tips To Secure Your Assets

         ATMs are a great convenience and asset to any location but its important that the following safety tips are taken in order to ensure that your customers, equipment and money are safe.   With over 15 years in the ATM industry we have encountered a handful of ATM robberies and are taking a proactive role in enssuring that these activities go on unrewarded.   It will take some extra planning, common sense, and the purchase of extra security protection equipment.  I can assure you that the peace of mind knowing your assets remain safe is worth the additional investment.

Safety Tip#1: Put a GPS Systems on all your units

    The Dewalt MOBILELOCK is a portable, wireless GPS alarm system that allows you to secure your ATMs and monitor them wherever you are. Built-in alarm sensors provide you with a flexible and customizable security solution while cellular assisted GPS technology allows you to remotely monitor and track valuable assets anytime whether the asset is indoors or out.  The cost is around $300 as a well as a monthly fee but if it saves one of your machines in given year it will most likely pay for itself.

Safety Tip #2: Put a secure ATM Cage On Your 24 Hour Outdoor Machines

     One of the commons targets for ATM theft is the 24 hour location outside of convenient stores, gas stations or parking lots.  The most common tactic is when the criminal pulls up with a truck, wraps a chain around the ATM, drives forward yanking the machines bolt off, and then loading the machine up and driving away.   We have developed and manufactured a 300 pound bullet proof steel cage which encloses around the machine and is double padlocked for added security.  Since we have installed these on our outdoor locations there has not even been an attempt to take these machines.

Safety Tip #3:   Proper ATM Installation
    Most often times a successful ATM theft could have been prohibited if it were installed properly.   When installing an ATM its best to place it in a corner where there is a wall on the back and right side of the ATM.  This prevents someone from being able to wrap a chain around the ATM as well prohibits anyone from trying to break in through the vault door.  Try and refrain from putting the ATM right near the front door which often entices robbers to drive a truck right through and try the bulldozer tactic. Most importantly, always bolt the ATM down to the ground with 4 stainless steel bolts.  Frequently I have encountered tenants that do not want to  bother bolting the machine down because they do not want to put holes in the flooring.  Regardless of the situation, this is not optional and we urge you to always bolt it down.   Ensure the ATM is always in a well lit area with proper signage.

Security Tip #5:  Security Cameras and Alarm Security Systems
    Although this can be a costly expense,  Cameras and a high level security system is one of the best things you can do to deter criminals from even making the attempt. Propose to the store owner to split costs of a security system with you, as they benefit just as much as you do by having their property protected.   Any store owner that is against having a security system or cameras is probably one that you do not want leave your ATM at.

    If you are interested in ATM Processing, ATM Sales, ATM Equipment, ATM technical support, or an ATM placement for your location then please email   We look forward to working with you and providing all of your ATM business services.